Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions 1. What is the difference between Function and Procedure? 2. What are the various restrictions in functions to use in SQL statement? 3. Can we use out parameter in function if we do this then what is the drawback? 4. Select * from 1+null+9 from dual; What is the output? 5. Select count (*) from tab1; and there is no data in tab1 then what will be the output? 6. How to return values in procedure? 7. Create or replace function f1 as N number; Begin Return1; Reture2; Return3; End; what will be the output? 8. If there are two columns in a table t1 [a char(10), b varchar2(10)] And we want to fetch all those records in which in which a=b the write the SQL query? 9. Syntax of collections and cursor? 10. I want to fetch the last name from ‘Oracle_Apps_Guide’. Write the query? 11. How to count commas (,) in the string (a, b, c, d). Write the query? 12. How to replace ‘a’ to null in ‘Anand’? 13. What is the difference between trunk and round? 14. Wh...