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How can Open Oracle Apps General Ledger , Inventory and Purchasing Modules Periods in Oracle Apps R12

How can Open Oracle Apps General Ledger Period in Oracle Apps R12


Step to Open Oracle Apps General Ledger Period in Oracle Apps R12

Note -: Whenever you do Receive inventory transactions, you often get errors if your Inventory/ purchasing/ GL periods are not open.

Here is the navigation where you can set up the periods for your material receipts:

Go to

Setup > Financial > Accounting > Open and Close periods


Setup > Open and Close periods

Click On Open/Close

 Select Ledger Name and Period Accordingly 

Click On Open Periods 

Choose Target Period 

Once Check the Concurrent Program Status.

Now Your's General Ledger Period Opened. Ensure that the  GL Period has Open status.

How can Open Oracle Apps Inventory Period in Oracle Apps R12


Step to Open Oracle Apps Inventory Period in Oracle Apps R12

Go to

Inventory > Accounting close cycle > Inventory Accounting Periods

Choose Respective Inventory Organization

Click on Change Status then OK

Now Your's Inventory Period Opened.

How can Open Oracle Apps Purchasing Period in Oracle Apps R12


Step to Open Oracle Apps Purchasing Period in Oracle Apps R12

Here is the navigation where you can set up the periods 

Go to

Setup > Financial > Accounting > Control Purchasing Period


Choose Fiscal Year or Period Name accordingly 

Change Periods Status as "Open"


Now Your's Purchasing Period Opened. Ensure that the  Purchasing Period  has Status Open

"How can Open Oracle Apps General Ledger, Inventory and Purchasing Modules Periods in Oracle Apps R12"

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